Uģis Prauliņš. Mass

Participants:Uģis PRAULIŅŠ /composer, electronics/keyboard instruments/
Vocal ensemble ARS ANTIQUA RIGA:
Rūdolfs Bērtiņš
Normunds Ķirsis
Jānis Kurševs
Vitālijs Stankevičs
Pēteris VAICKOVSKIS /artistic director/
Vairis NARTIŠS /sackbut/
Kaspars MAJORS /sackbut/
Jānis PELŠE /organ/

The mass and interludes L’homme armé were written for the five-voice ensemble Ars Antiqua Riga, which is matched by the organ, sackbuts (ancient trombones), and electronic instruments, creating atmospheric sound paintings. The opus was created in a creative symbiosis between composer Uģis Prauliņš and conductor Pēteris Vaickovskis, who initially invited the composer to write musical comments (interludes) about Johannes Ockeghem’s (1414–1497) mass L’homme armé. A creative cooperation provided the opportunity and inspiration to expand the interludes to the mass: “It is a challenge – to include the traditional means of expression and forms of sacred music in the modern surrounding landscapes,” admits Uģis Prauliņš.