Holiday Music. Aleksandra Špicberga and Atis Andersons

Aleksandra Špicberga / voice, Atis Andersons / Hammond organ

The musicians will offer the listeners a new, original reading of the compositions that were created even several centuries ago. Aleksandra’s characteristic singing manner, which harmoniously combines the academic and the folk, will resonate with Ati’s jazz musician’s handwriting and the unique sound of the Hammond organ.
Till, Purcell, Bach, Handel, Vivaldi, Gershwin, Menotti, Bernstein – arias and chants, baroque music and jazz improvisations – the creativity of two great musicians and the joy of playing nicely within the usual limits, while maintaining respect for the work of great composers.

The concert will feature opus of spiritual music as well as romantic compositions dedicated to love and longing. Therefore, lines from the text of a 16th-century motet taken from the Gospel of John, the apostle who taught the most about love, were chosen for the title of the concert: “If you love Me, keep My commandments and I will ask the Father and He will give another Advocate”.

Aleksandra ŠPICBERGA and Atis ANDERSONS play music together as part of the musicians’ association AKA, where they experiment with the synergy of folk music and jazz. The experience of using the colors of the Hammond organ and jazz harmonies as a novelty in creating a new sound inspired the musicians to create this new program.

ALEKSANDRA ŠPICBERGA. A bright and versatile singer who is equally close to academic, church and folk music. Actively performs concerts, collaborating with performing artists of various genres. Released three solo albums. Aleksandra’s performance in the concert performances “Laiks. You. Lūgšana” and “Nestāstot” (LSM award Kilograms of Culture 2023), as well as a solo performance at the closing concert of the Song and Dance Festival.

Aleksandra graduated from the Riga Dome Choir School and is currently studying at the Jāzeps Vītolas Academy of Music of Latvia in the choral conducting class of professor Andras Veismanis.

ATIS ANDERSONS. Atis is rightly called the pioneer of the Hammond organ, a trailblazer in the Baltics. The pianist and composer started his career in jazz music at the Riga Cathedral Choir School, later obtained a bachelor’s degree from the London College of Music (University of West London), in 2017 he graduated from the Jāzeps Vītolas Latvian Music Academy’s master’s degree. Atis Andersons regularly performs in Latvia and abroad.

Atis Andersons name was heard especially widely last year in connection with the released jazz music album “Atis Andersons Organ Trio: Organic City”, which was noticed and appreciated by Hammond organ music lovers in Latvia and beyond its borders. The album was nominated for the Golden Microphone in the category “Jazz or funk music album”.