Musical Fairy Tales for Children. Story of the Coffee Bean

Aina Kalnciema – harpsichord
Ainārs Paukšēns – baroque cello
Ieva Nīmane – ancient wind instruments
Viktorija Pakalniece – soprano
Juris Vizbulis – tenor
Kalvis Kalniņš – baritone
Students of the Riga Ballet School
Students of Riga Cathedral Choir School
The concert is conducted by Karina Bērziņa

Program: C. Monteverdi, A. Vivaldi, G. B. Pergolesi.

Description: How the Coffee Bean and her sisters got to Europe and how Coffee helped the shopkeeper Mr. Zimmerman and a young man to win the hand of the beautiful Liezhena.

Approximate duration of the concert: 45 minutes