Christmas Festival. Let’s Go Get a Christmas Tree!

Christmas concert

At Christmas time, brothers and sisters recall how they once went to the forest to get a Christmas tree, carrying treats for the forest animals. But it wasn’t just animals among the fir trees that year, but also dwarfs, the Forest Greybeard and other characters from popular and lesser-known Christmas songs. Each of the characters celebrates Christmas in a different way, but the true Christmas spirit only arrives when friends or family are around, or when a truly good job is done. This year, we invite you to go into the woods with us! Hear Christmas songs anew and find the festive feeling together with the woodland creatures.

Creative Team

Director: Liena Šmukste
Set Designer: Māris Ruskulis
Music: Raimonds Petrauskis
Lighting Designer: Arta Kronberga
Illustrations: Elvīra Beķere


Rūta Dišlere
Baiba Vanaga
Rūdolfs Apse
Rihards Zelezņevs